Messagepar admin » Ven 6 Nov 2015 11:37

Sad to see how little many of the Canadian Red River territorial Métis know about the true History of the Métis and the movement of their population in Canada. I am writing this in English as many of them have lost this Métis language connection and use now only the English language to communicate among themselves . When you no longer use your Métis language you loose your connection with your culture, all your relatives and with your elders and elderly peoples like a sort of identity paralysis the english language had left upon their way of thinking. You also create a cultural and historical solitude as when you are cut of from your Métis language you are also cut of from your national relatives and your complete Métis history.

Long live to the Métis of St Laurent and family leaders who maintain and insist to speak the Métis Language in their community or among themselves. You must meet Norman Fleury from St Lazarre Manitoba who speak with his heart about the preservation of the Métis language and who is among other Métis who keep that connection with their eastern Métis ancestors and relatives as they recognized were there french Métis relative originally came from. The Manitoba Métis Federation and the Métis National Council have a lot to learn about this Métis history and this Métis connection who originated in eastern Canada way before Riel and the Red River settlement. They could learn it from les Métis de St Laurent Manitoba ou ceux du Lac La Biche en Alberta and of course from the Métis in the Province of Québec.

But for the Métis who only are now speaking and using the English language in their daily activities, their level of assimilation has affected their sense of Métis identity and recognition of where they come from. The Red river settlement could be the Homeland of the Métis as they say but trust me eastern Canada is the Motherland of all Métis in Canada.

First Nations when through this dilemma when they decide to re-empowered themselves to their own original native languages and drop this concept of Indian define by the canadian government and to raise their national connection leaving behind the identity paralysis the english language had left upon their way of thinking . When the Métis will wake up to the use of their true French Métis language in western Canada , the upraising of true Métis Communities like St Laurent will request from this so called Métis Nation under the Métis National Council an obligation to operate in the French Métis language and only then you will see the Manitoba Métis Fédération, the Metis Nation of Alberta , the Métis Nation of Ontario, The Métis Nations of British columbia, the Métis Nation of Saskatchewan and of course the Métis National Council with the inclusion of the Métis Nation of Québec and the other eastern provinces, adopting an exclusive Métis language legislation for the protection of the Métis Language for all Métis to form a strong Métis Nation across Canada. Métis is not and will never be like the generic term indian to iclude all people of mixed ancestry culture and languages. Metis is a distinct Nation raised from French and First Nation ancestry only.

In their Métis National Council archaic thinking and limited historical conception, if Louis Riel would had walk in their offices today to register as a Métis, they would had told him is to French to be Métis as his Métis family origin came from Québec . The hope is there is a new Métis child born everyday from a First Nation and a non native marriage. These child who will be more aware of who they and probably better educated on their origin, will be the new contemporary Métis who will challenge I am sure this archaic Métis definition proposed and implementation by the Métis National Council to define who are the Métis People in Canada and supported by the Canadian government .

The time had come as you can longer and never imposed an identity on a Métis child. He must find his own and if he does have the opportunity to see a strong Nation Metis that can recognise him for is distinction of who he is, supporting his Métis language, his Métis Culture and his Métis history, then la Nation Métis will become a well balanced Aboriginal Nation from coast to coast as seen and predicted by ancestral eastern prophets .

As for the ABC Aboriginal Métis language course 101 , sadly most western Métis failed their Métis language test. Marci
Claude Aubin
Métis et administrateur de ce site.
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