Messagepar admin » Jeu 10 Déc 2015 20:53

The cat finally came out of the bag. The Métis Nation of Ontario leadership are showing their true colours and the raison they were unilaterally striking from their list the majority of the French Métis from the North East Ontario who connected with Métis ancestors coming from the province of Québec and eastern Canada rather than the Red River Settlements .

This bill 153, this proposed legislation was introduce and passed silently by the leadership of the Métis Nation of Ontario with the support of the Provincial government of Ontario without proper consultation with all the Métis People of Ontario. Rather than strengthening the relationship between Ontario and Métis peoples this bill would project the mistaken view that the membership of the Métis Nation of Ontario can only be related to the red river settlement and to become the only way to establish legal personality for the purpose of exercising Métis constitutional rights to self government in Ontario.

Blanket denial of other Métis in Ontario who are from, who were born from Métis and live in Ontario but were never in or part of the red river settlement but strongly came from the eastern provinces is an unjustifiable infringement of these Métis constitutional rights and interests and of course totally excluded of this consultation process to provide recommendation on this bill to the government of Ontario .

To me these so called red river settlement Métis would look like more deported Métis from western Canada now living in major cities in Ontario and looking since 1994 for another land base outside the red river settlement to justified their presence and actions in Ontario by categorically years after years pushing aside the true Métis of Ontario away from their Métis Nation in Ontario . Why are these Métis National Council affiliate doing this ? It is obvious to better steal from them their Ontario Métis Nation and a direct attempt to extinguish their Aboriginal Métis Rights to self governance according to constitutional protection. This kind of situation is currently happening in northern BC with the Métis of Kelly lake and their surrounding and the refusal of the Métis Nation in Québec acceptance to join the Métis National Council.

The leadership of the Métis Nation of Ontario under the direction of President Lipinski claims that it’s “the only government of Métis people in Ontario” and “that it has a unique democratic nature.” The grand lie that the only Métis are those descended from the historic Métis homeland in Red River has resulted in fragmentation of the Métis political voice across Ontario and many other province in Canada, British Columbia, Québec and the Maritimes.

This unilateral decision from the current leadership of the Métis Nation of Ontario under the influence of the current leaderdhip of the Métis National Council will be remembered and perceived as being the most segregated action to be undertaken by these leaders of this Métis Nation of Ontario and to become the biggest cultural and historical contemporary apartheid and genocide done publicly to Métis in Ontario by what they called ironically the Métis Nation of Ontario.

Red River was not the only homeland for Métis, despite the flood of disinformation coming from the dysfunctional leadership of the Métis National Council and the form of Métis genocide undertaken by the Métis Nation of Ontario who claim to represent Métis but refuse to provide, recognise and implement the French Métis language in their organization. Why ? May be it is because the current leadership are not Métis according to cultural historical, linguistic and ancestral definition ?

Champlain encouraged the intermixing of French and Indians, not general Wolf and the King of England, or Polish,Ukrainian, Russian or German Kings , and the children of their unions were called Métis, and the term Métis was recorded in French and never in English as early as 1615 – long before any Europeans or Métis had settled in Red River.

The Métis Nation of Ontario supported by the Métis National Council with distorted definition for who are the Métis but insist to retain ownership of the french word Métis because only the Métis are protected in the constitution and not all the other who are from canadian First Nation intermarriage, are to employs territorial narrow and non cultural and linguistic based criteria for membership to suit there inclusion in a so called Métis distorted definition.

The imposition of these restrictive concepts of this Bill is reflective of the discriminatory provisions of the federal Indian Act . When First Nations are making attempt to get rid of the Indian act ,this provincial bill 153 make the Métis of Ontario Jump right into it. Métis are a federal responsibility recognised in the Canadian constitution as distinct people. So why to reduce what Métis gain in constitutional negotiation to fall under provincial control and responsability for our governance ?

This lens of exclusion, discrimination and disrespect of the French Michif and their language has resulted in Métis discriminating against their own relatives because as a matter of a cultural historical and linguistic fact many of them are not or are so colonized or assimilated to the English language and English Cultures. How can they be our relatives if they are from different cultural sources not being French and First Nations to call themselves Métis ? Why so many of them who claim to be Métis are so incline to hide their own Halfbreed English country born history by sabotaging the true History of the Métis and appropriating themselves with the eastern Métis cultural property such as sash, voyageur canoe and tombreau ( they called it in English the red river cart )?

This approach is unlikely to prove productive in the long term. Bill 153 will only serve to weaken the efforts to achieve self-government and self-determination for all rooted Métis from Ontario and all the other Métis rooted in their respective provinces being part or not part of the red river settlement or their affiliation to the Métis National CounciL.

We can observe what kind of power dead lock similar provincial legislation created in Saskatchewan and could eventually happen for people wanting to take and maintain power and control of the Métis Nation in Ontario in similar situation. Québec, northern British Columbia and eastern provinces are most likely to be constantly marginalized and isolated from the Métis National Council and as far as I am concern by seeing the process they use to get this Bill 153 passed in provincial legislation it might be best .

Lets hope this Bill will not become the master plan to define who are the Métis in Canada and how Métis government must be established , implemented but control by a foreign government of the Métis trough the process of provincial legislation to operates and receive fundings.

This process now in place in Ontario will become the biggest Métis genocide undertaken at a provincial level with the full potential of the extinguishment of Métis Right to self governance in contemporay time by the Métis National Council lack of vision.

Bottom line is province can pass laws about Métis corporations, but only the federal Parliament can negociate and make laws about Métis governance with Métis People.

La seconde rébellion des Métis s'en vient suite à une révolution culturelle et linguistique qui est en court à travers le Canada . Cette révolution culturelle des Métis les aideront à reprende le contrôle de leur histoire de la promotion de leur langue, de leur culture et de la distinction de leur Nation Métis. Cette révolution culturelle est en train de réveiller les Métis à travers toutes les provinces du Canada qui sont tanés de se faire dire qu'ils ne sont pas Métis parce qu'ils parlent le Métis français ou qu'ils ne sont pas du Red River Settlement de Riel comme ils nous disent tous en Anglais.

On wa wouère, ca fa jusse cômencé, Lé Michifs sont en modit.

Claude Aubin
Métis et administrateur de ce site.
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