Messagepar admin » Mer 31 Oct 2012 20:31

Voici les règlements communautaires qui ont été formulées par les Ancêtres Abenaki et qui ont été établis comme une loi de la Nation Abenaki pour la gestion des terres, et qui doivent être appliquées par l'agent des terres consciencieux à protéger les intérêts de la communauté et surtout ceux de la Nation Abénaki.

À mois que le Conseil détient d'autre lois régissants leurs terres sur la réserve incluant les terrains en location, cette loi à préséance sur toutes autres lois, surtout celles des gouvernements municipaux et provinciaux.

Be it known to the member of the Abanaki and ....... Tribe of Indian residing on the land reserved for them, known by the name of the mission of the Abanakis and .....Indians in St-Francois.

Having been by fact experience convinced in many instance, not having constituted rules of laws existing in writing has caused much injury to the General interest of the tribe although our traditional laws have been handed down from one generation to the next successively by our ancients and Chiefs, yet some individual have violated these laws which have ever existed in the council of the tribe, for which reason we do hereby declare unanimously and firmly bind ourselves our heirs and successors to the governed and will enforce the following Compact and Agreement.

Our land being the common property of the tribe, no individual can sell to any white person or persons the improvement which may have been made by himself for that which he may have caused to have been on the a foresaid Land belonging in common to the tribe. When any individual Indian transfers to another Indian improvements made on the land belonging to the tribe, the writing must made in the Indian language and then for convenience in English or French language.

It shall be lawful for any individual Indian to make improvement on any part
of the land reserved for the special use of the tribe but not to invade or
encroach upon previous claims or improvements of individual Indians
belonging to the tribe.

Transfers made previous to this Compact and Agreement by the majority of the
Chiefs of the Tribe, to any individual Indian shall be held Valid and
conclusive to all intent and purpose. But for the future all transfers must
be signed by a majority of the Chiefs of the tribe and two witnesses
certifying to the signature of such that cannot write. No white person or
persons shall be allowed to remain in the village, no individual Indian can
let his or her house to any white person - no notarial transfers shall be
used concerning any land or other property in the limits of the reserve
belonging to the tribe.

No individual Indian against another Indian shall apply to any court of
justice for debt to seize any land or improvements within the limits of the
reserve in and about the village and the Islands.

No person or persons not being Indians can sell or transfer improvements
which he or they may have made on the Land specially reserved for the use of
the tribe.

Any Indian seeking to any White man improvements on the land belonging in
common to the tribe shall remain the common property of the Tribe the same
as that which has not been improved.

Any necessary labour required on our road and on the pasture and on the
burying ground shall be made and done by the tribe and shall be computant
for the chief from time to time to regulate and direct the same.

In conclusion and ratification of this compact and agreement in the name of
the tribe and Council of the Nation known and called the Abanakis .......
Indians residing on the land called the Mission of the Abenakis and
........Indians do find ourselves unanimously to be governed and firmly held
to support and execute all the conditions pointed out in this compact and
agreement and in validity of which we affix our signatures, herewith, July
twenty fifth in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred fifty four.

signatures of 45 Chiefs of two tribes.
Claude Aubin
Métis et administrateur de ce site.

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