Messagepar admin » Dim 19 Avr 2020 14:58


What is happening to the Metis citizens of the Métis Nation of Ontario tied to the french eastern Métis families is the result of provincial and the canadian government scenario of systemic process of assimilation and submission to the English language of all French canadian and french base spoken connected dialect such as french michif spoken in Ontario and by all Métisssss all across Canada .

It is now clear the direction the leadership of the Matee National Council is taking to defrenchized and dispossess la Nation Métissss of its original roots, its original historic connection, its original language and its ability to be organized as a distinct Nation Métissss en Michif Français falls in line with this systemic process of assimilation created in Red River after the Riel rebellion and now during Matee National Council era.

The Matee National Council demonstrated publicly its lack of respect not only against eastern and western Métis who recognize their eastern historic connection but now to include also Halfbreed alike not connected to their definition of Prairies Halfbreed homeland define by the Matee National Council .

It has been to long the Métis are subdue to the English language imposed upon them in the majority of provincial Metis Nation organizations of the Matee National Council or any Métis corporate organizations outside the Québec province with all respect to the Union Nationale Métisse St Joseph founded by Louis Riel himself.

I think this discrimination against eastern Métissss in the rank of the Métis Nation of Ontario under the rule of the Matee National Council could become the eye opener for the Métisssss, a turning point for the Métisssss of Ontario and all Métissss across Canada, to join together with the eastern Métissss to regroup and redress as a true Nation Métissss, with the sole use of its french Métisssss language on all its activities, according to its french Métissss culture and its french Métisssss history.

I also hope in all respect the Halfbreed people of eastern Canada will do the same and built their own distinct Hafbreed Nation in parallel of the Métisssss and demonstrate their true distinction from the Métisss according to their Halbreed language, culture and history and to revalue their English or Irish family ties.

Les Métissss de l'Ontario must not abandon their Nation Métisss but rather address the issue of what push the Matee National Council to take some direct action to remove any Métisss not connected to their Matee homeland and to face their true linguistic and cultural reality like all Eastern Métisssss and Halfbreed must do.

They claimed we are different as Métisssss because we are not from their Matee Homeland but the true reason is that we still speak french Métissss and that is scary for the Halfbreed and the Matee to not lose the control of the Métis movement over the french Métisssss language.

We are different, then lets show them our difference and lets use our french Michif language in all our Nation Métissss social, political and organizational activities and you will see how it will be their turn to react to our renaissance Métis and defend what they appropriated and rejected to define their new Matee Nation .

And that is what les Métis doivent enfin faire pour démontrer qui nous sommes et reprendre ce qui nous appartient . On peu pu fére ca en Anglais . No more English that paralize and neutralise our Métis mind and way of thinking and know how.

By this action the Matee National Council is attempting to neutralize in the eye of the government and the First Nations the Métis movement to the sole language they want to use in their national organizations. The exclusivity of the English Language ! When most First Nation are fighting so hard to revive , to protect and attempt to use their aboriginal languages in all their institutions . Les Métisssss de l'est on le parle toujours au quotidien.

Les Métissss must now take action to demonstrated their true conviction as Métissss to protect , their french Métissss language, their culture and their history hoping the eastern Halfbreed will do the same in parallel on their side .

It is now clear the direction the Matee of the Matee National Council is taking as a systemic approach to dispossess the Nation Métissss of its original roots, its original historic connection, its original language and its ability to organize as a distinct Nation Métissss dans l'Est du Canada. C'est à nous de leur prouver le contraire que nous sommes capable de le faire comme il l'on fait eux même dans l'ouest à leur façon .

Well it is time pour les Métisss to start focussing on their true identité Métissss and to take control of la Nation Métissss in eastern Canada en Michif .

Pour le Métis de l'est du Canada Vive la Nation Métissss en bas Canada en Ontario au Québec et dans les provinces maritimes. Vivent la Nation Métissss au Québec , la 12ième Nation Autochtone sur le territoire du Québec . Allons Métissss, the fluff and fiddle is over. Le vraie travail de la reconnaissance Métissss commence sur le territoire de la Mère patrie des Métissss , le Bas Canada tout entier et ca dans la singularité de l"application de nos opérations dans notre langue .
Claude Aubin
Métis et administrateur de ce site.
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