Messagepar admin » Ven 5 Nov 2010 02:25





All people of the world have been given the right to self-determination by the Creator. This principle is now commonly embraces by the global world political community that it is the founding premise for the Wabanaki People as a spiritual covenant on Civil and Political Rights.

Today the First People and all their descendants on Turtle Island, after struggle over many generations, effectively demand to be the makers of their destiny.

The Wabanaki People of the eastern door claim control and jurisdiction over those matters which are regarded as internal and territorial to the Wabanaki People not in a sense of ownership but rather in a sense of occupation.

The Wabanaki People also claims effective control over those resources which belong to their Nations by virtue of original jurisdiction given to them by the Creator.

Furthermore, the Wabanaki People also declare that the relationship of each of their Nations to other Nations will be based on our original jurisdiction which define our inherent rights, a just interpretation of the treaty process and other agreements which we from time to time did or will enter with representatives of other Nations under the Confederacy of the Wabanaki People.


The Confederacy of the Wabanaki People is composed primarily of the People, their Tribes and their Nations, sharing their communal sentiments and united through shared history and cultural heritage and languages within a political and spiritual system. The Nations of the Wabanaki People cannot be subjugated to other Nation, as each Nation is a unique web of people, values and historical experiences.

The history of the Confederacy of the Wabanaki People is unique in the sense that all the Wabanaki People and their Nations experience sovereignty in practice. The Wabanaki People were never subjugated to human central government as such which determined the destiny of all the Wabanaki People. However the Wabanaki People maintained a common bond with other Tribes or Nations through upholding the Creator's Laws through original jurisdiction according to their customs, tradition and values, through covenants, sacred ceremonies, wampum belts and treaties with other Nations.

As a Confederacy with a history of covenants, wampum belts and treaties, the Wabanaki People have always valued peaceful and reasonable relationships. The same hold true in the history of our relationship with the newcomers to our lands when we invited them under our original jurisdiction to join the fire of the Great Confederacy of our Nations for a treaty of peace in 1701.


The fundamental reality underlying this charter for self-determination is that the Wabanaki People, their Tribes and their Nations are joined as a Confederacy in a territorial structure, as it deems necessary will exercise full political and spiritual authority over the territory provided to them by the Creator. The Wabanaki People are sovereign in determining their future.

The treaty process, essentially is a recognition of our original jurisdiction to sovereignty. Implicitly, there were representatives of Wabanaki sovereign Nations which deliberated and negotiated the treaties of 1693, 1701, 1752 and many other treaties in the eastern part of Turtle Island.

Therefore, the sovereignty principle underpins this constitution under the Creator gift of our original jurisdiction. The Confederacy of the Wabanaki People is a sovereign entity which regulates its internal and territorial affairs. Our relationships with other peoples will therefore be based on a Nation to Nation principle.


The Confederacy of the Wabanaki People is constituted upon the principle of original jurisdiction to self-determination. The original jurisdiction of the Wabanaki People is based upon the inherent rights in its definition of itself and what spiritual and material rights and resources that come under its proprietorship.

The true fact for the Wabanaki People is that our original jurisdiction is based upon our relation with the Creator. Our inherent rights are given to us by the Creator and are expressed and exercised through the Wabanaki People.

All sovereign Nations and governments have come into being because of the inherent right to do so. The Confederacy of the Wabanaki People is based upon the same principle and we proclaim and declare under our original jurisdiction that we do have the inherent right to sovereignty, to nationhood and to govern and take care of ourselves while at the same time respecting other sovereign People, Nations and governments.

The Wabanaki People will therefor exercise their original jurisdiction with its corresponding responsibilities and obligations.


All our ancestors representing the Tribes and Nations of the Confederacy of the Wabanaki People entered into treaties with representatives of other Nations including the Nations of the newcomers on Turtle Island in 1693, 1701 and 1752. The Wabanaki People did not concede their original jurisdiction through the treaty making process. However, the treaty making process is a sacred and living testament of the existence of our original jurisdiction and sovereignty.

The spirit and intent of the treaty was fundamentally one of peaceful co-existence. We agreed to share the land, up to a depth of six inches with the newcomers to our land in order that they too would survive. Our ancestors understood the sacredness of the land and life in general. Land was not a commodity to be sold or given away. We were placed on our lands on Turtle Island by the Creator and we were given stewardship over Mother Earth.

The Wabanaki People proclaims and declares that they never relinquished any rights to the land and its resources. They will continue to use the land and its resources as they have done in the past.

Our sacred treaties are therefore implicit in this sacred hospitable gesture of the Wabanaki People. The Elders continue to reaffirm their commitment to these treaties with its corresponding obligations.



We the Wabanaki People recognize and declare:

that the Laws of the Creator are the only supreme Laws of the Wabanaki People,

that the Creator gave us our spiritual beliefs, our languages, our cultures and place on Mother Earth which provided us with all our needs for our existence and sustenance,

that we the Wabanaki People of this land know the Creator place us here;

that the Creator gave us our laws that govern all our relationships to live in harmony with Mother Earth, Nature and Humanity,

that the Laws of the Creator defines our original jurisdiction, our inheren
Claude Aubin
Métis et administrateur de ce site.
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Inscription: Mer 20 Oct 2010 11:42

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