Métis affiliation
Métis National Council 3 avril, 2008
Clément Chartier, President
350 Sparks St. Suite 201
Ottawa, ON
K1R 7S8
Mr. President,
Currently, the Métis Nation of Québec (MNQ), since testifying before the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples in 1993 and given current negotiations with the Secrétariat aux Affaires autochtones du gouvernement du Québec is undergoing a political reorganization. As a result of this reorganization, the MNQ has become recognized as the only independent credible entity responsible for Métis in Québec.
The MNQ is ready to become an active member of the Métis National Council (MNC), and as representatives of the MNQ we are coming forward with this request to help close the historical gap of the Métis Nation of Canada.
On behalf of the grassroot’s Métis people of Québec, we are requesting a meeting with MNC representatives at your convenience to discuss our reasons for MNQ becoming part of the MNC.
Recognition by the MNC would demonstrate support to the MNQ to take its rightful place in the Métis Nation of Canada and as the 12th Aboriginal Nation in the circle of Aboriginal peoples in Québec.
The Métis people of the province of Québec have a long history of claims for recognition even prior to the creation of Canada, the Red River Settlement and the Louis Riel rebellion. We have leaned from our Elders that the Métis are not the people of Riel, Riel is from the the Métis Nation, the Métis people. Riel was not only the Red River territory dream, Riel continues to be an inspiration to a vision, the realization of a prophecy for the Métis people.
This prophecy was promoted by the Métis way of thinking and sustained by the Métis political philosophy of the western provinces which were defended by Métis families residing and rooted in Québec. Families like Riel, Dumont, Chartier, Chalifoux, Doucette, Létourneau , Lussier, Chartrand, Poitras, Ladouceur , Dion, Morin, Bohnet, Desmeules, Leclair, Rivard, Lavallée and many others to numerous to mention.
The departure of these families from lower Canada, were fully aware of their Métis identity when they reached the promised land of Louis Riel. The promised land was to be accessible by all the Métis, away from the political restraints that were and continue to be imposed on the Métis residing in lower Canada.
The MNC’s claim to represent all the Métis of Canada, could in 2008 lead one of the greatest Aboriginal Nations and to extend the interpretation of Louis Riel’s vision to include the Québec Métis which would respect the Métis history and the Riel Family.
The Métis people of Québec are also part of the historical, cultural and spiritual background that is the foundation of the whole Métis Nation in Canada. The Métis Nation in Québec would like to be invited by the Métis Nations in your respective provinces to share our view and our culture between the Métis of the Red River and the Métis from Québec, in French Michif, in French or in the English language.
As it was once said publicly on APTN by the President of the Métis Nation of Ontario Mr Tony Belcourt " Nobody said the Métis homeland border stop at the border of Ontario."
In recognising and accepting the MNQ to become and integral part of the MNC on behalf of all the grassroot’s Métis citizens and the Métis provincial members of MNC located in western Canada, The MNC will open the Métis homeland borders to the eastern Métis of Québec, and together we can built a great united Métis Nation as envisioned by Louis Riel.
We look forward to hearing from you at your earliest convenience to schedule a meeting to discuss the Métis Nation of Québec becoming an integral member of the Métis National Council.
Métissement vôtres,
________________________ _______________________
Claude Riel Lachapelle Claude Aubin
Porte-parole National Porte-parole Fondateur
Nation Métis Québec Nation Métis Québec
info@nationmetisquebec.ca info@nationmetisquebec.ca
c.c. President Métis Nation of Ontario
President Manitoba Métis Federation
President Métis Nation of Saskatchewan
President Métis Nation of Alberta
President Métis Nation of British Columbia