When we are ready to become or justified what we are not to become canadian government indians,everything could become possible.
Most important is when pretendians tried by all means to erased the history of the original Wolustuk Malisset families by replacing them with their families with the support of the Canadian government, something is going terribly wrong.
Now these pretendians families in control of the Wolustukiyik of the Viger Wolustuk Community located in the province of Quebec are using the Indian act as the rule to control the membership, when most of the members of the Wolustuk Malisset families of Viger who have lost Indian status because of the result of their imposed land cession in 1869, can also no longer received recognition under the citizenship code they approved in general assembly in 1987 because their are not recognized as Indians under the Indian act .
Tim Pollard, the son of well known Wolustuk Elder Ruby Denis has been refused recently a recognition as Indian under the Indian act when these pretendians received fraudulently an Indian status .
Consequently, Wolustukiyik of Viger have become pure strangers in their own stolen communities by these pretendians.
These pretendians are now in control of the band council with a Grand Chief ,who became a status indian just few years ago , and was previously a deputy minister in the Quebec government , are now in total control of the Community funding and activities ,are doing everything in their power to down play or block any funding for writings on the truth that can be provided to exposed and correct this situation, by providing sufficient historical and genealogical publications on who are the Wolustuk Malisset of Viger and L'isle Verte. These publications are already done and waiting to be published if funding could be found .
These pretendians have change the name of the VIGER community with the name of WOLASTOGIYIK WAHSIPEKUK rather than using the word WOLUSTUKIYIK of the GRAND PORTAGE used by most community in new Brunswick bringing more confusion to all readers. The Wolustukiyik of Viger are not from the St Laurence River as claimed by these pretendians . They are the the Wolustuk of the Grand Portage and should have been called as such in their new Wolustuk name in recognition of who they are . All this to justified these pretendians presence who are mostly established on the south ans north shore of the fleuve St Laurent.
Most ironic is the new book written by non native scholars, totally disconnected from the Wolustuk oral and recent history of course and published with a pretendian interpretation of the Wolustuk identity to include and justified the Jenniss, with a beautiful picture of a western British Columbia totem pole on the cover page. This totem pole was done by a non native quebecer artist and located on the soil beside the pretendian band office in Cacouna .
Here what the Jenniss/Trembaly family did to give themselves a Malisset Wolustuk identity on the Quebec territory by infiltrating illegaly and fraudulently the Wolustuk of Viger community by pretending having a family ties to Charles Nicholas from Tobic under the band number 47.
Now that the Wolustugiyik of Viger have proven without any doubts that the Jenniss/Tremblay families and their descendants do not have any ties to Charles Nicholas . they are persuing to fabulate themselves another identity by trying to to connect themselves to Noêl , Célestin et Jean Denis , recognized war Chiefs of L'Isle VErte and named military captains of the Sauvage Amalécites de L'isle Verte in 1831 under the reign of his Majesty of Britain , King Guilliaume 4. (original document keep by the Denis Pollard Descendants ). Ironicly all the descendants of these important Denis chiefs in the history of the Wolustuk community of Viger cannot be recognized as Indians by the Canadian government when the pretendian Jenniss and Tremblay families and their descendants are fraudulently recognized.
All the Wolustuk (maliseet ) families in the province of Québec and the one located in New Brunswick knows that these Jenniss/Tremblays families and their descendants are not and had never been tied up to the history of the original families of Viger l'Isle Verte , more so tied up to the Nicholas and Denis families and more so the any of the Wolustuk families originaly located on all the Wabanaki Territory.
To resume more specifically with all evidence found in detailled research, all the Jenniss /Tremblay and their descendands from ÉTIENNE-TIENIS-JENNISS do not have any genealogical and historical ties with any original Wolustuk nation families , because their entry within the Premiere Nation Malécite de Viger started fraudulently only in 1990 with the wrongly approved canadian governement under the general list 816
The founding couple of this pretendian family was composed of Nicolas ÉTIENNE and Ursula ISABELLE. According to some writings they could be Abenaki of Becancourt and her born from a non native father and a native mother.
So who his this Nicolas ETIENNE ? we have found neither is birth certificate and no trace of his parents under the name of Nicolas and Marie Anne or any of his brothers and sisters . His birth date is unknown. Probably born between 1810 and 1813 , considering all kinds of hypotheses were formulated on this subject by the Jenniss /Tremblay descendants to suit their pretendian identity. this couple get married in 1844 in trois Rivières , and only stay a short time in that region.
Not long after , the couple go to establish themselves in the Chicoutimi region called Saint Fulgence , Anse au foin were the abolition of the control of the fur trade by English companies create a boom in the colonization.
To the exception of Charles ETIENNE . probably the oldest born on their way , all the children of the couple are baptised in Chicoutimi ( proof of archives available ) E
Having deed land , Nicolas declare himself hunter . Around 1872. the whole family move to Tadoussa , Were the man found work in the William Price wood Mills without stopping to continue their hunting , trapping and fishing acctivities like all canadians at that time.
We can follow the evolution of the family through marriage and birth certificates . Under the name Of Nicolas TIENNISSE . The father died after many years of sickness and the members of the family would identified themselves under the name of NICOLAS or TIENIS.
In 1895. a crisis hit the lumber insustry on the North Shore of the St Laurent river forcing many families to desert the region . Charles, Georgiana, Mary and their famillies join a group that moved to the shores of the Trois Pistoles river , were the man are hired to the Price Mill located in that village.
We have to wait taht in 1899 . after the death of Ursule Isabelle in Tadoussac, before tht Delphis come to join the other members of the family located in trois Pistoles é The one that stay on the north shore are the family of Francois Xavier and Joseph . All now identifying them selves as Nicolas .
For an unknown reason é the Name Jenniss start to be used in Trois Pistoles . Around 1912 , following of the closing of the Trois Pistoles Rice lumber mill, Delphis Jenniss move to establih himself in the village of Nazareth near Rimouski were the man of his family are hired in the local Price Mill.
Delphis died in 1919 at the age of 50. Charles decided when retiring in 1912 to move back to Anse au foin were he will practice different labor task and died in that village.
This prove without any doubts that the the ETIENNE-TIENIS-JENNISS never participate to the historic events that marked the history of the Malisset wolustuk nation at Viger or at l'Isle Verte.
Any member of these lines had contracted marriage or issued of marriages with any members of the Malisset Wolustuk communities . Beside all the male descendants of these families lines did married non natives woman . to the exception of Joseph that had never children except 2 adoptions .
The hypotheses formulated by Aubin and Bernard Jenniss in 1990 to the effect that CHARLES JENNISS DIT NICOLAS and CHARLES NICHOLAS number 47 of Tobic are the same person is without any foundation or connection.
The new hypotheses now proposed by the Jenniss/Tremblay that NICOLAS TIENNISSE and NICOLAS DENIS , born in 1920 is the same person . is also without any foundation or connection . Another genealogical ans historical fabulation Jenniss Style . When will be the other pretendian fabulation ?????????????